
Hi my name is Michael, age 40   

Two years ago, my life was unexpectedly turned upside down in NorthernIreland, which led me to Sunderland in England.

I joined a local Christian church where I met a German family and grew to be quite close to them. They helped me to settle into a new flat, but I was still struggling to work out the events that brought about the sudden change. Then I was asked by the German family if I’d like to go to Annatjie and Klaus who live in Germany. They suggested I could to stay for 3 weeks to “get away” and refocus and be encouraged.

So, I went unknowingly who these people were! But I was greeted by two friendly folks and shown my warm quarter’s. I place where I could pull back if I wanted to be alone and yet a part of the family! I felt like I had known them all my life.

During my stay, I got to know two people who just loved to help whatever way possible. I got to spend more time with Annatjie as she works till 1pm and was therefore also encouraged to get up each morning earlier than what I was used to. We sat and talked and within the time there, we had grown to trust each other plus Annatjie has an ability to say the right thing just at the right time and it was often challenging but rewarding.

By the time I left, I’d not only gotten back into a disciplined routine, seen beautiful sites but most of all I have met two people prepared to open their house to stranger’s. Bring you into their personal space and endeavour to help, whether it be challenging things that need changing in your life or for respite.

So far, I have spent a total of three trips lasting 13 weeks in all and each trip was progressively different. On my last trip Annatjie went through 6-weeks of life coaching and upon returning to the UK I have achieved many of the goals we had set together.

I would encourage anyone who is struggling with obstacles in their lives or needs a “time out” or just a visit, to feel welcomed into a caring and loving family

Michael from Belfast